Wanting to help the unwanted. 865.919.2287

I'm ready for my new family!

Vanna Grey

I'm Available

Meet Vanna Grey, a sweet, and shy feline who has an abundance of love to offer. Vanna was rescued during a TNR operation. She had been crossing a busy street to eat. Once we realized she welcomed pets, we thought an inside home would be safer. She agreed and enjoys a quiet place to hangout, preferring to snuggle in warm blankets. She is often found curled up in a cozy corner, purring softly. Vanna's favorite treat is Temptations, and she has gotten used to getting a couple as a nighttime snack.

Vanna gets a long fine with other cats, but is also ok to just do her own thing. She is looking for a quiet home and would probably do best with no small children.

  • Dilute Calico & Domestic Short Hair
  • Female
  • 1 Year OldMy DoB is 11/11/2023 (Estimated)
  • Tennessee
  • Keeps To Self | Can Be Timid
  • No
  • I'm Litterbox Trained
  • House Cat
  • $100.00
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