Wanting to help the unwanted. 865.919.2287

I've found my furever family!


We're happy to tell you that Magicbean has a new furever home.
Please visit our Available Cats Page to see the cats currently available.

Magicbean wants all the human attention. She asks to be held and will put her paws around you snuggling in for as long as you let her. She insists on it. While we know that there are many benefits to snuggling, like calming comfort and lowered blood pressure, these are just beneficial side affects for whoever takes on her wants. Because it's all about her.

She can be pretty demanding when it comes to food, treats, and mostly cuddles. She wants a little bit of wet cat food twice a day and insists on 3-4 temptations treats right before bed, or any other time the treat cupboard opens.

Magicbean gets along with the foster dogs and most cats who do not challenge her authority. She is definitely in charge.

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