If you’ve stumbled upon this post, you’ve landed on a super special kitten. Beastie came to FFF after being surrendered by his owner after what we suspect was a showdown with a car. Spoiler: the car won. His pelvis was broken in three places, and surgery wasn’t an option. Luckily for him, strict cage rest (while challenging) helped him heal almost as good as new! Now Beastie spends his days happily indoors watching the outside through the safety of windows. While on cage rest, Beastie perfected the art of meowing at the top of his lungs whenever he wanted something, a skill that he continues to perfect now that he’s free from his jail. Beastie also is convinced that people food is all he wants to eat, and he’ll happily try to convince you that he’s allowed to share your meals. Don’t let him fool you - it’s cat food only for him! Besides meowing and food-napping, Beastie especially loves being held by his humans, even on his back while getting belly rubs. His purrs are sure to impress.