Wanting to help the unwanted. 865.919.2287

I'm ready for my new family!


I'm Available

Fleetwood really has had to go her own away, but the landslide won’t bring her down though. She is a retired mama. She has birthed and raised five gorgeous kittens, but tragically lost four due to illness. She and her single kitten were adopted together to what should have been their furrever home. Sadly and fortunately, they were returned. The home was not the right fit. Fleetwood didn’t handle the situation well and started acting out in her foster home. A few weeks have passed and, with lots of reassurance, a positive environment and routine, patience and persistence, she has let her guard down. After a few weeks of settling in to her new and furrever home, you’ll find that Fleetwood is truly an extraordinary cat. She is a great companion and shows affection by chirping at you and rubbing against your legs and feet. She LOVES a laser toy and knows the sound the button makes before you even turn it on. She’ll chatter at it and beg to play with it over and over again! She’s incredibly food motivated and will do anything for a snack. (She likes to try and steal a sample of whatever you’re eating.) Quality Control of course. Give her time to warm up to you and she’ll become your best friend. You just have to give her a chance. 

  • Tabby & Domestic Short Hair
  • Female
  • 1 Year OldMy DoB is 04/01/2023 (Estimated)
  • Tennessee
  • Tabby (Orange / Red)
  • Keeps To Self | Can Be Timid
  • No
  • I Don't Like Kids
  • I Don't Like Cats
  • I Don't Like Dogs
  • I'm Litterbox Trained
  • House Cat
  • $100.00
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