Wanting to help the unwanted. 865.919.2287

I've found my furever family!


We're happy to tell you that Jules has a new furever home.
Please visit our Available Cats Page to see the cats currently available.

Jules was pulled from a high-kill shelter in East Tennessee with the hopes of taming her into a happy house cat. While that plan initially showed promise, the furthest we’ve gotten with Jules is confirming that she’s definitely not cut out for life outdoors. Jules is horribly timid and would never defend herself if needed as a barn cat. She freezes when humans touch her, which rarely happens because Jules keeps herself nearly invisible during the day except for an occasional streak of tabby as she darts back and forth for meals. At night, though, Jules has a blast with the other cats in her foster home. Her foster momma jokes that having Jules is almost like not having a cat at all! While we’ve tried our best to get Jules to warm up to human affection, we have learned that that’s just not her speed. She’s prefer to only have feline friends, and we’re ok with that if that makes her happy. We’re looking for a very special forever family for Jules that will give her the space to be herself without having any expectations of more. Jules deserves a wonderful life even if it doesn’t look like what we had hoped!

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