Wanting to help the unwanted. 865.919.2287

I'm ready for my new family!


I'm Available Bonded With: Han

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... ok... well... maybe not that long ago and not that far away! Luke and Han are bonded brothers who were originally found as baby kittens in a dumpster by a college student. Fast forward through several different living situations and several well-meaning good samaritans, and the boys were in a foster home with FFF and then adopted. It turns out, though, that the home wasn’t their true forever… so they’re back! Luke and Han have a lot of love to give because, frankly, they’re BIG CATS. Like 15 pounds each big! These brothers spend their time playing together and then cuddling up with each other for naps. While initially shy, when they feel safe they love their people. They haven’t met kids while in foster care, but we think they would likely be ok. They’d likely do best in a home without dogs, though.

  • Tabby & Domestic Short Hair
  • Male
  • 4 Years OldMy DoB is 08/17/2020 (Estimated)
  • Tennessee
  • White & Tabby (Brown / Chocolate)
  • Social & Friendly
  • No
  • Not Tested With Kids
  • I Like All Cats
  • Not Tested With Dogs
  • I'm Litterbox Trained
  • 100
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