Wanting to help the unwanted. 865.919.2287

I'm ready for my new family!


I'm Available

They say the ones you rescue appreciate you the most. That is Oregon! He came from a bit of a rough neighborhood. When he was TNRed a few years ago, he had absolutely nothing nice to say to any of us. Since he was doing well, he merrily went back home. Fast forward a few years, and we found him injured. Guess some younger tougher dude challenged his street cred. Now that we have met again, he is the perfect gentleman!! Really appreciates being inside, healthy and safe. He has ONE requirement for his new home - CANNED FOOD. And lots of it. 

  • Tuxedo & Domestic Short Hair
  • Male
  • 9 Years OldMy DoB is 01/01/2016 (Estimated)
  • Tennessee
  • Gray & White
  • Social & Friendly
  • No
  • I Like All Cats
  • Big Dogs Scare Me
  • I'm Litterbox Trained
  • House Cat
  • 100
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