Wanting to help the unwanted. 865.919.2287

I've found my furever family!


We're happy to tell you that Tillytoo has a new furever home.
Please visit our Available Cats Page to see the cats currently available.

Tillytoo has been hanging out in foster care for months now. We admit it. She has some quirks. Tilly doesn’t like dogs. Or other cats. Or kids. Or the elderly. She enjoys being petted, but only for maybe five minutes. Then she gets overstimulated and needs a break. When she wants attention, Tilly will throw herself at your feet and roll onto her back. Be careful though. It’s usually a trap. Here’s the thing. Tillytoo is one of the funniest cats we’ve ever met. She’ll keep you laughing for sure. And she’s super cute with her sweet little face. So if you’re lonely and looking for a weird little buddy, Tillytoo may be your girl! If you’re a cool younger couple that wants to give an odd little cat a good home, remember Tillytoo! Middle-aged and kid-free? Tillytoo!

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